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2018 Fall Bucket List

If you have been keeping up with my blog posts recently, this post is supposed to be a continuation of my last and explore the last half of my magical Disney World Honeymoon. However I have just been so unmotivated to write about that lately, or really write anything at all.....

I am now 24 weeks pregnant and this pregnancy has been rough. This is my first pregnancy so I really have nothing to compare it to and may be over exaggerating or come off whiny to some that have been through it multiple times before, but up until this point in time I have just felt so miserable. I haven't been able to enjoy being pregnant at all and haven't had any energy or motivation to do anything. I may eventually post about my pregnancy struggles and experiences but for now I am finally feeling up to doing things and am excited to be able to enjoy my favorite season of the year with a growing belly. I really can't wait to experience all of the things that fall has to offer this year!

Fall has been and always will be my favorite season of the year. There is something unexplainable that happens when the temperature cools off and those leaves start to brown and fall from the trees. I'm originally from Michigan and having said that I honestly feel like I have never seen anything more beautiful than an old dirt country road in the fall time surrounded by the orange, green, and yellow hued leaves.

The fall air is crisper than any other time of the year and with cooler temperatures, the ambiance of the outdoors just calls to me. Less humidity is such a wonderful thing and in the fall time you can catch me outside enjoying the weather and fall festivities 24/7.

Overall, there is just so much more to do in the fall time in the Northwest as well. There are so many amazing festivals and events that take place during the fall to experience and if you don't like going out and socializing, there's also just so many ways that you can celebrate fall in the privacy of your own home. Fall has something for everyone and everyone can find something that they enjoy during the fall season.

Halloween, Thanksgiving, Haunted Houses, Pumpkin Patches, Apple Picking, Football, Warm Sweaters, Orange, Red, Green, Lattes, Chili and Cornbread..... I can go on and on mentioning anything and everything that reminds me of the fall time. I mean how can you not like one single thing from that list?

So in order to make the most out of this fall and celebrate my pregnancy I have created a challenge for myself. I am going to try to do as many Fall time activities as possible and document my experiences. I am going to make a little 2018 Fall Bucket List and attempt to check as much off the Iist as possible over this 2018 Fall Season. This isn't going to probably be an all inclusive list and I hope to also be able to do things that aren't on it as well, so that I am not limiting myself. I just want to be able to enjoy my favorite season of the year and in turn enjoy the rest of my pregnancy before I stress myself out worrying about baby things.

My 2018 Fall Bucket List:

Visit a Apple Orchard and Pick some Apples

Visit the Covered Bridge Festival

Go to a Pumpkin Patch and Pick a Pumpkin

Get a Pumpkin Spice Latte

Decorate my house inside and out with Fall Decor

Buy new Fall Decor

Visit Brown County / Nashville IN

Explore new Fall food recipes

Dress up for Halloween

Go for a walk in the fall air

Visit Michigan and take photos of the beautiful fall colors

Buy new fall clothing and cozy sweaters


Visit a Corn Maze

Decorate Pumpkins

Go to the Beech Grove Fall Festival

Watch Fall movies

Make Chili

Have a bonfire and roast marshmallows

So there is my list. It isn't all inclusive but I hope to do everything on the list and much more. You can follow my experiences on Instagram or my future blog posts. What do you plan to do this fall? What is on your Fall Bucket List? Am I missing anything from mine that you suggest I add? Stay tuned for my fall adventures.

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